Houseplants are one of the great ways to brighten your interiors, add beauty to your indoor house and bring nature inside, but it can be difficult to find space for pots and large foliage amongst furniture in your home.
What’s the solution for it? How to grow house plants indoors if you don’t have that much space. we may think vertically, and use a selection of ingenious hanging pots with trailing house plants to make your place a green dream.
Growing trailing house plants in indoor hanging baskets, pots hanging from the ceiling, or sitting on a shelf shows them off, enabling their stems to cascade down and form a dramatic effect. Growing trail beautifully plants indoors in this way may add depth and interest to your house plant displays and height and softness to the room you’re displaying them in.
So let’s dive into the article below to find out the 7 best trailing plants that you can grow as houseplants in your home.
7 best trailing house plants to grow
String of pearls

The string of pearls is a beautiful trailing house plant that exactly looks like delicate rows of peas or beads. The leaves of the string of pearls or string of beads (Senecio rowleyanus) make a beautiful statement in the home when they are grown in a pot on a shelf or an indoor hanging basket.
If you are growing a string of pearls in your house, you need to take proper care of them. Water your plant when the top 2cm of compost is dry. This plant is usually fussy about water, so the string of pearls is the best option for experienced growers. It is recommended to cut roots easily when pinned to the surface of a pot of cactus compost.
Spider plants
There’s a reason that this elegant, easy-growing houseplant named spider plant is a classic and one of the best options for trailing indoor plants.
Spider plant is nearly impossible to kill, and the variegated, arcing leaves of the plant can create a lush, jungle-like feel in any space. Hang a spider plant in front of a bright window or on your porch or even on your balcony and with a little care, they’ll reward you with tiny, star-shaped white flowers and babies that you can grow into whole new plants.
When it comes to taking care of the plant, allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, as its roots tend to hold a lot of water. Spider plants are happiest when they remain pot-bound, so keep this in mind when considering repotting.
Lipstick plant

During the summer and fall, the lipstick plant is the best option for you to grow as a trailing house plant as this striking plant produces bright red tubular flowers that emerge from darker cases like little lipsticks, hence it got its common name.
Besides, for the rest of the year, the plant will not produce flowers but the cascading stems of glossy green leaves, which can grow to about 28in (70cm) in length, will provide you plenty of interest for your indoor garden ideas.
When it comes to placing the plant, it is recommended to hang your plant in a bright position, away from direct sun, and water until the top of the compost when it feels dry. keep your plant even drier in winter. Mist the foliage of the plant every few days and apply a half-strength balanced liquid fertilizer on the plant once a month in spring and summer.
Heart on a string

Heart on a string is the beautiful trailing house plant that bears long, thread-like stems dotted with tiny green and cream heart-shaped leaves, purple beneath, which will twinkle like Christmas decorations when they catch the sun.
Bearing Pink and purple tubular flowers that add beauty to the show in summer, This pretty trailing house plant is one of the best low-maintenance trailing plants as it is effortless to grow, requires very little water, and almost no irrigation in winter.
When it comes to feeding the plant, it requires half-strength balanced liquid fertilizer once a month in spring and summer but it also can sail on regardless if you forget to feed it.
When it comes to placing the plant, display it in a sunny room where the long stems, which can reach over 6ft (1.8m), will not trail on the floor.
Also named the devil’s ivy, pothos is a healthy specimen of leafy vine that can be trained to grow hundreds of feet long. Golden pothos, with yellow, cream, and green variegations, are the most common among all the shades of the pothos. but there are a lot of varieties of pothos available that can mix up with rarer types like lime green, neon pothos, and satin pothos, giving a beautiful matte finish and silvery flecks, for more color and texture.
Pothos are very low-maintenance plants that require little care. they can go weeks without water. you can aim to water when the top two or so inches of soil are dry. When using it as a trailing house plant and yours is ready to reach the floor, simply give it a pruning, then propagate sections of the stem to grow new plants.
Maranta is a beautiful trailing house plant that flexes its beauty with its herringbone-like pattern of red ribs against the deep green foliage. Maranta is one of the prettiest plants that is also named prayer-plants, which belong to a family that also includes Calathes.
These humidity-loving maranta plants are great to hang in a window or even atop a cabinet in your bathroom, where it can get the steam and warmth from the shower that keeps them moist.
If you want your maranta plant to grow, choose a spot where it can get bright, indirect light from a north-facing or east-facing window as the light is gentler from those directions.
Donkey’s tail
If you want to add a trailing house plant variety to your collection that is also succulent, then donkey’s tail is a good one to try. The trailing house plant named donkey’s tail features chunky, textured stems, which reach about 12in (30cm) in length and bears small, grey-green overlapping leaves.
Donkey’s tail might be sold in the names of Sedum burrito or Sedum morganianum. this trailing house plant has oval leaves while the latter has slightly longer, teardrop-shaped foliage, but both the plants turn purplish pink when they are exposed to strong sun. Small pink flowers also appear at the tips of the stems of this plant in summer.
The biggest mistake everyone do while growing this plant is overwatering. Don’t water your plant too much. Hang this plant in a sunny position and water sparingly from spring to autumn when you feel the top of the compost is drying. This plant only needs a tiny amount of water in winter. Feed your plant with a half-strength cactus fertilizer every six weeks from spring to autumn.
How to care for the trailing house plants?
When it comes to the care for trailing house plants, watering can be the main task. So if you don’t know how much water to apply to your plant, add water to your plant less and always water sparingly. This is because overwatering your plant can quickly kill it since soggy compost will cause the roots and stems to rot. So to avoid this, plant your houseplant or cactus compost, in containers with drainage holes at the bottom, depending on the species, then slip these inside watertight hanging pots or baskets.
This two-pot system will allow you to bring the plant out, water it over the sink, leave it to drain, and then return it to its allocated position, minimizing the risk of waterlogging. Apply fertilizer to your plant at the recommended intervals when you are watering. Remember that watering levels may vary if you’re caring for indoor plants in winter.
As you read the article this far, you might get the idea of the best trailing house plants for your home that are thee amazing and easy way to bring life to your home while also making it look great.
Adding the best trailing house plant to your interior can give your houseplant displays a new dimension. Leafy vines and trailing stems of flowers can be a cherry on the cake and can add a touch of the tropics to interior designs with layers of texture and color.
Then what are you looking for?
Bring these amazing trailing house plants and life to your home.
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