Low-Maintenance Plants – Houseplants that Don’t Easily Die by Negligence
Maintaining houseplants can seem like a difficult task to many, but it’s not when you choose the right ones for adding to your house interior. You will come across wide varieties of low-maintenance plants that you can bring into your home.
A person who has never taken care of plants but wants to have some indoors can choose the low-maintenance indoor plants that we have listed in this blog. If you can relate to the situation, this piece is for you!
Learning parenthood for your new plant may seem quite intimidating at first – know what keeps your plants alive and healthy without much ado!
Low-maintenance plants
Do not fret if you sometimes fail to remember that you got living things indoors by having these low-maintenance indoor plants. Your forgetfulness will not make them pay for their life and health.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera or Aloe barbadensis miller is among the most favorite houseplants of forgetful plant lovers. It’s perfectly fine if you usually miss out on the last day you watered the plants, your aloe will not get pissed with you.
It doesn’t like too much attention – do not keep misting them now and then like other plants. A little neglect is what helps them thrive!
How to care: Indirect, bright light; monthly watering; toxic to pets
ZZ Plants
ZZ plant, or as referred to as Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the most preferred starter plants to have indoors. It will just be happy relaxing in one corner of your living area even when not watered straight for a month! You can water it once or twice in a couple of months.
You both can live in harmony with neglect. For a more unique variety, buy a raven ZZ, which is black and stunning.
How to care: low light; monthly watering; toxic to pets
Snake Plant
Snake plants also called Sansevieria trifasciata or mother-in-law’s tongue are low-maintenance plants that can breathe fine even in windowless bathrooms. On the contrary, they also grow perfect under bright and indirect sunlight.
Snake plants are aesthetically beautiful houseplants that can survive weeks without a drop of moisture. Did you forget to water snake plants for a few weeks? Don’t worry, they will do fine without your attention.
People who are frequent travellers can have snake plants as their low-maintenance plants at home.
How to care: low or medium indirect light; monthly watering (let it completely dry between watering); toxic to pets.
Spider Plants
Best among starter plants to have at home, spider plants or chlorophytum comosum are super resilient houseplants. These are similar in appearance to monkey grass, a low-maintenance indoor plant.
Spider plants thrive best when hanging in a basket by a window. However, it is not demanding of any particular corner in your house. Plant it as you like and it will not disappoint you.
How to care: bright, indirect light; weekly watering, occasional misting; non-toxic to pets
Cast Iron Plants
Also referred to by the botanical name, Aspidistra elatior, cast iron plants are one of the most ideal low-maintenance plants you can have indoors. These sturdy guys will help you stay negligent of plant care and still manage to grow beautiful.
How to care: low light; weekly watering; non-toxic to pets.

Also called devil’s ivy and has the botanical name ‘Epipremnum aureum’, pothos are one of the most death-resistant houseplants one can ever come across. These are forgiving houseplants who cope up well with undeterred negligence.
All you need to do is give it little water after weeks and weeks of break. That’s all it needs to thrive and stay alive.
Pothos are found in several varieties of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some of the most common varieties include neon, marble queen, and golden pothos.
How to care: bright; indirect light or low sunlight; weekly or biweekly watering; toxic to pets
Succulents are less-demanding houseplants that make for perfect low-maintenance plants for beginners. If you are someone who rarely remembers including plant care in your routine, this is your pick!
If you see your succulents dying, either you watered it too much or there’s too much direct light entering the house. When looking for non-toxic succulents, choose from tree cactus, wax rosette or plush plants.
How to care: bright, indirect light; monthly watering when the plant dries out completely; most are non-toxic, but not all.
Lucky Bamboo
Lucky Bamboo or Dracaena Sanderiana are low-maintenance plants that don’t even need soil preparation before planting. Simply place the plant in a bowl or any container of water and forget about it for one-two months.
How to care: bright, indirect light; change with fresh water every couple of months; toxic to pets
Cacti belong to the succulent family and can be cared for in a similar way. If you are someone who often overwaters a plant, you can avoid growing cacti at home. Cactus or Cactaceae prefers dry soil for months.
For non-toxic cactus, go with Zebra Haworthis, Sempervium ‘Ruby Heart’, or Blue Echeveria.
How to care: bright, indirect light; monthly watering; most cactus are non-toxic.
Very similar to pothos, philodendron is one of the perfect low-maintenance plants for beginners, especially the ones who rarely water their plants. However, it is not as sturdy as pothos.
Philodendrons come in wide varieties so you can decide from plants of different shapes and sizes.
How to care: bright, indirect light; weekly watering; toxic to pets
Swiss-cheese Plants
Also known by its botanical name, Monstera deliciosa or just Monstera, the swiss-cheese plants are resilient houseplants that thrive in various lighting conditions. They will not take it to heart if you forget watering them once in a while.
As they grow, they turn into full-grown monsters! So, if you have a compact indoors or lesser space for these, place them in a low-lit corner for slower growth.
How to care: bright, indirect or low-light; regular misting and weekly watering; toxic to pets.

Jade Plants
Jade plants retain maximum water in their round leaves that help them live for over a month without regular attention. Place it by a sunny window and water when the soil turns dry.
How to care: bright, indirect light (south or west-facing window will be the best place); monthly watering; toxic to pets
Anthurium is great low-maintenance plants for beginners. These are found its different varieties, but most of these are waxy, heart-shaped flowers that add to the beauty of your interiors.
Most gardeners or plant lovers opt for anthuriums for their attractive foliage. However, you may need to use fertilizers once in a while based on the size of the plant.
How to care: optimum indirect light; weekly or biweekly watering; toxic to pets.
In a Nutshell
Almost all low-maintenance plants can thrive well in bright, indirect light and monthly watering, except some that need moisture every one or two weeks. We hope the list comes to your rescue when deciding on choosing the best houseplants for greenery indoors.
Let us know which suits you best in the comments below!
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