When it comes to bringing a tropical plant to your home, nothing can beat the aura of a palm tree. But all palm trees may not be fitted to your garden or home.
The only palm named Majesty palm can be brought into your home as it attains the height of 10ft only and grows in your house well.
These majesty palms surely bring a majesty look to your landscape.
With graceful and feathery fronds, the majesty palm is a tropical, robust palm that originated in Madagascar. This palm got its name due to its majestic quality.
These palm trees are measurly found along the river banks.
The leaves of this plant grow from its trunk in an erect manner before arching at the ends and forming a large crown.
Although it is relatively new to the house of houseplants, this palm tree can be a great addition to your home and garden.
Scientifically known as Ravenea rivularis, this majesty palm tree is an indoor tree that has long arching green fronds on the top of multiple stems. Click To TweetScientifically known as Ravenea rivularis, this majesty palm tree is an indoor tree that has long arching green fronds on the top of multiple stems.
Although it can grow up to the height of 90 feet in the native outdoor environment, it is usually grown as a large houseplant.
This plant is a slow-growing plant, that grows up to 10 feet in height with only the height of 1 foot per year.
Care of the plant
Being a temperamental plant, growing successfully Majesty palm requires to take care of various factors like heat, light, soil, fertilizer, etc.
This plant requires the right balance indoors like a bright corner, plenty of water, and less amount of fertilizer.
Majesty palm is generally understory plants in their natural habitat, but growing it indoors requires a lot of light.
These trees can grow well in bright indirect light, although it can tolerate medium indirect light.
If the plant is bleaching or stretching, it should be moved to a brighter place for several weeks.
This plant loves to have bright sunlight from 6-8 hours per day. So as a houseplant, you can place it near a sunny window.

Majesty palm comes from a place near streams, rivers, etc. So it requires a lot of water. So make sure that the soil should not dry out.
Before planting in a pot, ensure that the pot must have a well drainage system to drain all the water out of the pot. Otherwise, the root of the tree may drown and rot.
This plant needs water in 1-2 weeks and allows the soil to dry out halfway down between watering. Majesty palm requires watering more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.
But before watering, the person needs to check the water moisture level of the soil.
This plant requires its potting medium always be moist, but not waterlogged. So keep avoiding the soil to get too dry between the intervals of watering.
Majesty palm thrives well in higher humidity. But it also can survive well in ordinary household humidity levels.
In the winter season, when the air becomes dry, the plants become too dry. But running a humidifier can increase the humidity of the area. If you don’t have a humidifier, then you can increase the humidity of the area with a humidity tray.
indoors, you can incorporate and use a fine-mist mister or humidifier to boost the humidity levels.
Majesty palm can grow well at the temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Besides, it can also tolerate 85 degrees Fahrenheit of temperature.
Majesty palm can be considered as an acid-loving plant and grows in soil whose pH level is below 5.0. Click To TweetSoil
Majesty palm can be considered as an acid-loving plant and grows in soil whose pH level is below 5.0.
It requires a potting mix that can provide a lot of drainages. To increase the aeration of the soil, mix the ingredients like perlite and lava rocks.
A potting mix designed for succulents or cactus with some extra peat is an ideal growing medium for this plant.
The Majesty palm required a weak liquid fertilizer once or twice during the growing season but not all the time.
If the indoor palm plant starts to stretch out, it shows the symbol of high fertilizer. So one should reduce the fertilizer during this time.
The yellowing of leaves requires applying Epsom salt once a month which can supply a lot of magnesium and reduce this problem. It might also require supplemental iron for leaf loss and yellowing.

Pruning is often required for the plant to increase its looks and enhance the look of the house as a houseplant.
Pruning the plant may be a cinch. In order to prune the plant, you just need to cut off all the fronds when they start turning yellow or brown. It helps the plant for better light penetration and air circulation within the plant.
Just judicial removal of aged, dead, discolored leaves is what you need to do in the process of pruning of majesty palm.
Before pruning makes sure to sterilize the shears that you are using to prune. This can prevent the spread of diseases.
Plant propagation
Majesty palms are generally grown from seeds, so stem cutting is not an option for the growth of this plant. However, various other methods can be used to propagate this plant.
Various other methods may include division, separating pulps from the mother plant, etc.
Following are the steps for propagating a majesty palm plant:
- Look for any offshoots or pups that can be separated from the mother plant and also can be separated from the top balls.
- Gently untangle the pups with your hand. By using a disinfected, and sharp knife, cut the roots to separate them. You can also trim the roots if it is too long to plant in the pot
- Filling with the proper soil required for the plant growth in the pot, plant the offshoots in the soil.
- Water the soil in a sink until the water drops out from the bottom or out of it.
- Put the pot in a bright light area where it can get appropriate sunlight.
- Fertilize it with the required fertilizer for its growth.
Pests and diseases
Majesty palm plants are very prone to common pests like aphids, whitefly, and scales.
Growing in a low humid area can also make it susceptible to mealybugs and spider mites.
If they are not checked and cured at a proper time, this can lead to the death of the tree. So one must regularly check the trees, identify the infections, and take necessary steps from its spreading.
So the moment you identify them, spray them off with water. This would be enough to drive them away. But if they are not going then use a horticulture oil or diluted soap.
If the plant is turning yellow, that means it is not getting enough light. So place the plant in an area where it can get the proper sunlight.
Just like if the plant is turning brown, that means it’s getting too much light, and showing the symptoms of leaf burn. So bring the plant out of the excess sunlight and place it in a place where it can’t get the right amount of sunlight.
Majesty palm is susceptible to various pathogens that can lead to different diseases. These diseases may include leaf spots and leaf blights.
These diseases are caused due to nutrient deficiency. Providing the plant right amount of fertilizer may cure this disease.
You might be thinking before reading this article that Majesty palm can’t be grown indoors and thrives well only when you plant it outdoor.
But reading this article today may solve your all the queries and questions about the caring and growing guide of this plant.
Then what are you waiting for?
As you have got the proper guidance, then go plant this palm in your garden, take proper care and get the look you wanted for your house or garden.