Do you love seeing hummingbirds in your garden? Then you must definitely plant Shrimp plants in your garden because hummingbirds love these plants.
Shrimp plants are tropical plants originated from Mexico and are evergreen. These are scientifically known as Justicia brandegeana, although there are many types.
Shrimp plants are commonly called Mexican Shrimp plants or False Hop as Mexico is the native place of these plants. They have vibrant clusters of flowers that makes them a great choice in making a tropical garden of your own.
Shrimp plants are commonly called Mexican Shrimp plants or False Hop as Mexico is the native place of these plants. They have vibrant clusters of flowers that makes them a great choice in making a tropical garden of your own. Click To TweetThese are an evergreen shrub that comes in various colors and are drought tolerant. The best part is that you can grow Shrimp plants in your own backyard as well as indoors.
These plants can prevail in USDA hardiness zones 8-11. They belong to the family
Acanthaceae and genus justicia. They grow maximum upto 3-4 ft height and are very easy to propagate.
So , here is a complete guide on how to grow and care for these beautiful and versatile Shrimp plants. But before this you must know the variety of Shrimp plants available you can choose from.
Varieties of Shrimp Plant
Shrimp plants come in a variety of colors that are suitable for different hardiness zones of the USA. Some of the varieties are even annuals and can be grown as houseplants.
Being a bloomer the whole year, these plants will definitely add various colors to your garden. The various Shrimp plants are;
Red Shrimp Plant
This is the most grown Shrimp plant that originated from Mexico. Red shrimp plants have twig-like, branching stems and grow from 3 to 5 feet tall. Floral spikes are nothing but the bracts that range in color from rusty to dark red.
Scientifically known as Justicia brandegeana and belongs to the family Acanthaceae and genus justicia.
White Shrimp Plant
Scientifically called as Justicia betonica and blooms luxuriously especially in moist conditions. These plants are bushy type as they grow upto a maximum of 3 ft height.
As the name suggests these are white plants that have green foliage and white flowers.
Golden Shrimp Plant

These plants are scientifically called Pachystachys lutea. They belong to tropics and partial shade areas. They can be grown in slightly alkaline to acidic soil.They can thrive best in sandy- clay loamy soils.
There are six-inch-long dark green leaves and the plant can grow to a height of three to four feet. The plant is topped by a spike of bright yellow bracts above which are pure white flowers.
Purple Shrimp Plant
These plants are scientifically known as Justicia scheidweiler. These are also commonly called Brazilian fireworks or Rose pinecone.
Their long leaves, dotted with silver veins, are almost as impressive as their flower spikes. This plant is shade lover and can also be grown indoors.
The bracts on purple shrimp plants are red, while the flowers are purple.
Blue Shrimp Plant
Among all the varieties of Shrimp plant this is a bit different variety. They are mainly annuals that originated from the Mediterranean region. Scientifically known as Cerinthe major purpurascens .
Throughout the entire growing season, the plant produces 1-inch blue flowers that are attractive to bees. It grows 2 feet by 2 feet and blooms from spring through fall. This plant produces seeds to be planted in spring.
The flower is commonly known as Honey wort or Blue wax.
Growing and Caring guide
In order to see your Shrimp plants blooming the whole year, you need to have some idea on its needs like Soil, Light, Temperature and Water requirements. Click To TweetIn order to see your Shrimp plants blooming the whole year, you need to have some idea on its needs like Soil, Light, Temperature and Water requirements.
So, here I have covered all the essential tips required to grow Shrimp plants luxuriously.
Shrimp plants thrive best in well drained potting mix soil. A combination of Clay, Silt, Sand and organic matter works great for these plants to grow.
Being a tropical plant, Shrimp plants thrive well in optimum Sunlight. Though they dont require direct Sunlight, an adequate amount of indirect light is required by them.
If you are growing Shrimp plants indoors then the East facing window is the best place to keep the plant as they can achieve the required amount of Sunlight for their growth.
These plants are drought tolerant and can even occasionally tolerate frost. But they can’t strive in frost for longer periods and are sensitive to frost.
The ideal temperature for Shrimp plants is 64-84°F and don’t allow the temperature to fall below 54°F and expose your plant to some fresh air that leads to their healthy growth.
Shrimp plants need plenty of water especially in summer. Keep the pot moist for a longer period.
Whereas in winter you need to give them less water as they dont require as much moisture during winters.
As they belong to the tropical Mexico region, these plants require enough humidity to grow. Ideally Shrimp plants require 40% humidity to grow.
You can also use humidifiers in case your plant is not getting sufficient humidity or even you can spray a little water on the leaves as well.

Shrimp plants require light fertilizers with all the micronutrients available. Liquid fertilizers are best to be used.
As these are abundant bloomers they need more fertilization during their blooming period especially between Winter to Autumn season. In other periods it is best to slow down fertilizing.
Propagation of Shrimp plants
Propagation is too easy in Shrimp plants through stem tip cuttings. Following are the steps to propagate.
Cut a part below the leaves and make sure to dip them in rooting hormone. Plant these to a potting soil.
During this time, it is important to provide them with humidity and avoid water logged soil.
When the roots start to appear, place them in a large container.
Problems associated with Shrimp plants
Leaves turn yellow due to overwatering the plants. If the soil is dry then it might be due to spider mite attack.
When the plant is devoid of optimum light then the flower turns dull. Whereas a hungry plant can be recognized by the appearance of dull leaves.
A straggly plant shows that the plant has been exposed to too much heat whereas less light, in such cases place them in a brighter area with cooler atmosphere.
As you have read this article so far, you must have got a clear idea of how beautiful these Shrimp plants are.
Are you one of those gardeners who loves an evergreen garden? Shrimp plants are the best outdoor as well as houseplants to be included in your home garden so as to have a lush and greenery all around.
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