Lawn owners generally have a common problem that can crop up at any time of the year – this problem is called weeds. Weeds will leave your lawn yard looking uncared for if there are no proper plans in place to eliminate them. Sometimes, one method of weed removal might not work and there will be a need to try a combination of methods to completely eradicate weeds. A lawn mowing service can also assist in removing weeds from your lawn during a mowing session.
In this post, we have different ways of removing weeds, including everything you need to know about doing it naturally.
Read on below to learn more!
7 Effective Methods to Remove Weeds Naturally from Your Lawn

Removing weeds doesn’t have to involve the use of chemicals if you can help it. There are several ways to effectively take care of weeds. These methods include the following
Hand removal
As simple as this sounds, the removal of weeds by hand is effective in taking out weeds wholesomely from the roots and all. It’s important to remove the full plant because removing just the leafy parts and stems doesn’t solve the problem. Some weeds are fully capable of re-germinating from the parts still under the soil.
Using a small torch, weeds can be burnt out singly without damaging the grass around them. Ensure to carry out the burning process carefully so other grass isn’t affected. If possible, carry out burning using the best fire safety practices.
Soapy dishwater
Soapy dishwater is an effective and natural deterrent to weeds and insects alike. A good amount of dishwater when sprayed on weeds will take them out especially when the solution is concentrated.
Introduce salt
Apply salt to the base of the weed plant and it will kill it off after a while. Salt affects the metabolism of plants and stops any sort of re-growth that might happen shortly.
Vinegar is a natural plant killer used by many lawn care services to remove weeds. You can also use this solution by yourself by spraying it directly on weeds. Vinegar is best applied during sunny weather for increased efficacy. Only apply on the weeds and keep away from the grass so it doesn’t affect it.
Boiling water
Like burning the weed plants, extremely hot water will take out weeds. However, you must be careful to ensure that the boiling water doesn’t spill over and affect the lawn grass as well.
Natural herbicides
Certain solutions are designed for dealing with broadleaf weeds. It’s advisable to only use these solutions with assistance from your lawn mowing service to avoid costly errors.
Any one of these 7 natural methods will eliminate weeds from your lawn if implemented judiciously. When weeds are taken care of, keeping your lawn green, trimmed, and beautiful will be easier. GoMow Lawn Care Service is on hand to deliver the best lawn mowing to keep your grass in shape.
Sometimes, only a powerful but controlled use of chemicals can get rid of weeds from your lawn yard. If this is the case, hiring an experienced lawn care service is your best bet.
3 Chemical Solutions for Removing Weeds Safely from Your Lawn

For cases where a more robust approach is needed to eliminate weeds, the use of chemical processes can be deployed safely as well. We have outlined 3 chemical solutions for removing weeds safely from your lawn.
Use of pre-emergent and post-emergent weed killers
This type of chemical solution will remove weeds from your lawn as they come up. It must be applied by a reputable lawn mowing service experienced enough to do so. Post-emergent weed killers are super-effective at dealing with weeds
The former type, pre-emergent weed killers will eliminate weeds before it even germinates on your soil. Their causative action focuses on the germination of weed seedlings by stopping them in their tracks. Whichever option you choose, pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides are great for removing weeds safely.
Non-selective spot treatment
If a pervasive species of weeds have taken over your lawn yard, an effective solution to take out all weeds is the non-selective spot treatment. This solution will stop any form of growth in the applied area for a while. It should only be used on lawns that need full rehabilitation. Consider using this option for removing weeds as a last resort. With this method, you can eradicate weeds from your driveways, walkways, roadways, and patios.
Selective broadleaf weed removal
From the name alone, this chemical weed killer is one of the best solutions for killing weeds without harming the grass. It’s important to read the instructions on any selective broadleaf weed control before use as it is species-specific. Efficacy will depend on using the right product for the right grass. Hire a lawn care service in your area with a good reputation to apply this solution for you. Do not do it yourself.
Weed Types and How to Identify Them
Weeds can easily be identified on your lawn as any plant growing on it that is a different species. As long as this plant in question is unwanted on that spot, it qualifies as a weed.
However, there are actual plants that are popular as lawn weeds and they include but are not limited to the following:
- Dandelion
- Crabgrass
- Chickweed
- Ground Ivy
- White Clover
- Spurge
- Thistle
- Wild Violets
- Nutsedge
- Bluegrass
- Purslane
- Ryegrass
- Bittercress
Weeds are tough and spread out easily so you must remove them as soon as they’re discovered on your lawn yard. By doing this diligently, your grass will have a better chance of growing healthily without complications.
Ways to Stop Weeds from Sprouting on Your Lawn At All

To keep weeds off your lawn, certain things can be done. From proper lawn mowing to the use of pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides, when implemented correctly, there will be little to no incidents of weeds appearing on your lawn yard to detract from its gorgeousness.
Here are some ways to stop weeds from growing on your grass:
Introduce a Weed and Feed solution
A potent combo of weed-killing fertilizer solution, this product would destroy weeds on your lawn while improving the durability and health of your grass. It’s advisable to ask your lawn care service to apply it to reduce the risk of misuse which can be hazardous. The best times for application are in the spring and fall seasons respectively.
Pre-emergent Herbicides
Pre-emergent herbicides are effective at stopping any weeds from germinating on your lawn. It works by killing any weed seedlings in the soil. Each pre-emergent solution works for a specific species or type of grass. Before use, ensure that you’re using the right pre-emergent herbicide for your grass. For best results, hire a professional lawn care service to help out.
Post-emergent Herbicides
Unlike pre-emergent herbicides, this particular type of herbicide will take out weeds as they appear on your lawn, not before they appear. Post-emergent herbicides are great for in-season lawn weed removal. When applied correctly, post-emergent weed killers are effective.
Mow the right way
The ideal height to cut your lawn grass is about one-third of the length of the grass. When the grass is cut at this height, it takes out enough of any weed plants to ensure there isn’t any re-growth. Regular mowing stimulates your grass to grow thick and full to choke out any straying weeds too. In all, hire a lawn mowing service with solid recommendations like GoMow Lawn Care Services to get full value for your money.
Why Choose Professional Weed Removal Against DIY Weed Removal

Below are reasons why choosing a professional weed removal service from your lawn care company is better than the DIY approach.
- DIY weed removal is a laborious technique that takes some imagination and skill. Hiring a lawn service saves you from the stress involved.
- If you lack the time, a weed control specialist will come in and treat your lawn for both perennial and annual weeds. DIY weed control will consume time you could use for other activities.
- Weed-killer products are efficient and are best applied by a professional weed removal service, a DIY approach might lead to dangerous errors that can harm the grass, kids, pets, or even yourself.
- Although some of the best lawn care companies are beginning to provide more natural weed control methods, their efficacy still depends on other preventative measures.
- Hiring a lawn care service to remove your weeds means you get professional quality work with minimal risk of expensive mistakes.
Frequently Asked Questions about Weed Removal
- Why does grass survive but not weeds?
A selective herbicide will kill weeds but will leave the majority of grass species unharmed. Verify the herbicide’s specific details to ensure that it has the correct chemical composition for the specie of lawn you have.
2. How do I eradicate weeds from my lawn?
Taking good care of your lawn, applying pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides, trimming to the proper length, fertilizing occasionally, and watering regularly can help prevent weeds from re-invading your grass. Weed control is an ongoing process that keeps your lawn uniform and weed-free.
3. Can weeds be eliminated effectively with no traces left?
The best method for eliminating weeds in your lawn is to follow a pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide application process. The weeds in your grass can also be destroyed by a little spray bottle of vinegar if you prefer a more natural approach to weed control.
4. How do you eradicate weeds without harming your grass?
While using a selective herbicide can take out the weeds you are trying to get rid of and not harm your grass, you will frequently need to spot-treat the weeds to get rid of them. To avoid having a mess to clean up every season, the best thing a homeowner can do is to start preventative weed control using pre-emergent herbicides.
Final Words on Hiring a Professional Lawn Care Service
GoMow Lawn Care Service provides the best lawn mowing service in many cities in Texas. GoMow offers the best professional lawn mowing to happy and satisfied clients who we have gone on to build lasting relationships with. Enjoy affordable lawn mowing wherever you’re in most Texas cities. Let’s take on the stress and rigor of lawn care for you while you focus on other things.
GoMow’s reviews are an excellent testament to the quality of lawn care we offer our customers. Check out our reviews from past and present customers to get a feel of what we can do for you.
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