Every amazing thing comes with an inherent downside to it and you must learn how to control or get rid of it. The same applies when it comes to growing Asiatic Jasmine vines (Trachelospermum asiaticum).
You might get impressed by how aggressively this plant grows and cover a swath of land in no time.
You get a pretty green carpet loaded with small dark green leaves and white flowers without sweating much over its growing process.
But its ability to grow fast and cover a patch of land soon enough might turn out to be the biggest liability as it will keep on growing and growing.
So it’s very important to set boundaries and control the growth of the vines.
Let’s find out few way to effortlessly prune and control the growth of Asiatic Jasmine vines.
How to control Asiatic Jasmine Vines
Keeping the Asiatic Jasmine vines under check can be tricky as it grows at a breakneck speed and before you realize it, it goes out of your reach.
So always make sure you pay a visit to your yard and monitor the progress of your vines. Just keep a tab on its growth and it will be easier to manage.
To make your life easy in controlling and keeping your vines under check, we suggest the following:
Using Trimmers

One of the best ways to check and control the growth of the vine is to trim it periodically whenever it grows off-limit.
You can use both hand trimmers or string trimmers for this purpose.
Just prune the unregulated branches with the hand trimmer precisely and keep chopping off till your desired target is reached. A hand trimmer is best if you have a smaller ground to cover.
Take out the string trimmer if you have a bigger patch to cover. Just string trim the taller branches twice a year or maybe more if there is a need.
Using a Mower

If you have a patch covered with Asiatic Jasmine vines, you must schedule a pruning calendar and follow it religiously.
Using a mower might be the best option if you have overgrown Asiatic jasmine vines and there is an extremely thick cover of the vines.
Mowing periodically will also keep the growth in check and cut it to size.
When a branch of the vines comes in contact with the ground the root starts to sprout and if not kept under check then it will be a difficult task to manage it.
So the best timing to do mowing is sometimes in later winter and at the start of the spring when the vines start to sprout.
Mow as much as possible at the highest setting. Do not worry, the plant will re-leaf and back to normal in few weeks and start growing again.
Whacking the root out
No matter how much you prune and cut the stems, Asiatic jasmine will keep on growing.
If you want to get rid of the plant from a patch of your land, then you have to kill it from the root.
You can use a mower and dig deep and pull out as many roots as possible. You can also use a rototiller to reach out to the roots better.
This is the best way to get rid of the Asiatic Jasmine vine completely but make sure that you properly collect and dump all the remnants of the plants as new plants can still pop up from the cuttings.
Using herbicide
Usage of herbicide to kill the Asiatic Jasmine Vines may not be very effective.
To check the growth temporarily, you can spray the foliage with herbicide but make sure it does not harm other plants in the vicinity.
When to Start Pruning
Asiatic Jasmine can be aggressive when it comes to covering a swath of land. So you need to keep monitoring when you need to give the plant a nice haircut.
Always mark your boundaries and once the plant spreads beyond that then it’s to start pruning the vine.
How to care for Asiatic Jasmine Vine post pruning

Asiatic Jasmine vine really does not need much care even after rigorous pruning.
The only thing you can do it keep its shape is to water the plant more frequently and let it recover quickly.
If you want to learn more about how to grow and care for the Asiatic Jasmine vine in detail, we have a complete guide for you, check it here.
If you are already growing the vine, please share your experience with us the comment section.