9 Best Gardening Spades for Your Garden: Get Done More With These Top Diggers

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    Are you looking for a new garden spade to dig out your soil? 

    Don’t worry. You are at the right place. 

    Browse our top gardening spades of the very best, from affordable to premium models.


    Working in a garden or yard is a heavy task that can take a toll on your body. It requires immense effort to dig up holes or to break up hard soil. Besides, It will also be very hard to pull that work off when you don’t have the proper gardening tool available for the job in your hands.

    This is where garden spades mark their place. However among a great number of models flooding the market these days, finding the perfect one for your requirement can be a tricky affair.

    However, we have labored for you to bring you these reviews of the best garden spades on the market today. So let’s dive into the article below to findout the 9 best gardening spades for your garden.

    Best gardening spades for your garden

    Greenman Half Brite Border Spade

    greenman border spade 44091

    If you’re looking for a spade that is best for border plants, we recommend the Greenman half-Brite border spade to consider. 

    The shaft of this gardening spade is long enough to prevent back strain and the long socket feels robust. The lower part of the spade bears a carbon-steel blade that is uncoated so it can be sharpened anytime and it comes with a lifetime guarantee.

    This gardening spade is a hard-working spade that feels solid to hand yet it is well-balanced and feels nice to use. Although the handle is long and comfortable to use, the four rivets which are present at the top of the socket can stand proud and can catch on the hands when you are turning the soil or lifting plants. 

    The length of the shaft eases stress on the back although users with tall height did find the spade a little on the short side. 

    The one and only drawback of this spade are its rivets, which can catch on your hands while working.

    Pedigree Stainless Steel Treaded Border Spade


    This Pedigree border spade is one of the best gardening spades it is made with a 

    rust-proof stainless steel blade along with a long, strapped socket that prevents snapping. 

    The ash shaft and handle of this gardening shade are actually made from one continuous piece of wood and its YD handle cap is coated with stainless steel which makes it even more robust. 

    This gardening spade is found to be more comfortable, light, and great for those gardeners who need to dig in raised beds and other confined spaces.

    Radius Garden 25102

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    Radius Garden which is the owner of the spade has a primary mission to innovate average gardening tools that give a comfortable gardening experience to the users. That’s the main reason the Radius Garden 25102 Garden Spade comes with the features of fiberglass a shaft, an ergonomic grip handle, and a lightweight carbon steel blade. 

    This garden spade is also longer in size and even offers a comfortable digging experience to tall users, which means gardeners don’t need to strain their backs when slicing through the soil. 

    You can use your Radius Garden 25102 for various tasks that include transplanting shrubs and small trees, trimming roots, and digging deep narrow holes for your crops. The extra-wide raised forward steps of the gardening spade help you dig deeper, making those tough digging tasks easy. 

    Adding an advantage, you can also get this high-quality garden spade at an affordable price, too.

    Fiskars D-handle Square Garden Spade


    The Fiskars D-handle Square Garden Spade is one of the best gardening spades that slice through the soil like butter. This gardening tool has more than 1,900 five-star ratings on Amazon.

    It shows that you can edge your gardens, cut any trench, and slice through thick turf with precision and ease with the help of this gardening spade.

    This mighty gardening tool comes with a 14-gauge hardened steel blade and an 18-gauge steel shaft. The whole body of the gardening spade is constructed with steel that can outlast your wooden tools so far and is even more durable than those that are made up of fiberglass. 

    This garden spade also comes with an extra-large foot platform that enhances leverage and digging power and a large D-grip for two-handed control. 

    Burgon and Ball National Trust spade

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    This beautiful yet durable gardening spade is actually a part of the National Trust’s collection of gardening tools with Burgon and Ball

    Comes along with beautiful antique bronze coloring, this gardening tool has a beautiful traditional look and goes great with cottage gardens and other period homes.

    This spade also comes with some other impressive features. The head of this gardening spade is made from a single piece of high-carbon steel that gives extra strength to the tool. In fact, the makers of this spade have also tested this spade up to a breaking strain of 100kg, which is 82% higher than standard British models.

    This spade also includes the wide foot treads that help you dig the soil, and the FSC-approved ashwood shaft.

    Kent & Stowe Stainless Steel Digging Shovel

    513024OnINL. SL1500

    With about110cm in length, this digging shovel or gardening spade is slightly longer than all of the other options on our list. So undeniably this gardening spade is a practical choice for taller gardeners or for those people who want to avoid back pain.

    This basic design from Kent and Stowe stainless steel digging shovel includes a wide shovel head, which is the best fit for digging and soil turning.

    The ash handle of the spade possess smoothed rivets to provide maximum comfort and there is also a large tread on the blade that help you to keep your feet comfortable as you dig.

    Roamwild Multi-Digger Garden Spade

    61AXhnHKG4L. SL1500

    If you are tackling a wide variety of backyard projects, then the Roamwild multi-digger garden spade is the best gardening spade for you. 

    This garden spade comes with its arrowhead-shaped blade and two sets of grips which is present in the handle design. Thus this spade is great for everything starting from cutting into roots to heavy shovel work. 

    Apart from the above all things, this spade even features a lightweight fiberglass construction which is very easy to use, handle and control.

    Hooyman Short Handle Digging Spade Shovel

    61itLoCAIlL. SL1500

    The Hooyman short-handle digging spade shove is a great investment for most backyard gardeners because of its durable carbon steel construction, no-slip D-shaped grip, and custom blade serration

    The unique handle of this gardening spade boasts a feature which gets tacky when being wet and lends it a more secure grip than most other spades.

    This product is a perfect option for you if you need a heavy-duty, short-handled spade.

    LavoHome Super Duty Multi-Purpose Garden Spade

    41WB3p852RL. SL1000

    The LavaHome Super Duty Garden Spade is a multi-purpose gardening spade that uses a forward-turned step so that you can use your lower body strength to make various works of cutting through roots and sod.

    It is a gardening spade/shovel hybrid that allows you to get a variety of jobs done only with the help of this one tool. 

    The blade of this spade is basically made from durable steel which is almost 14-gauge. It is 42” in length and bears aD grip handle. 

    The shaft and handle of this product are made from solid oak wood, which gives it great shock absorbency and durability. on the side of the blade, there are Sawtooth prongs which means you won’t need to wrestle to get your gardening spade back out of the dirt.


    Gardening spade is a gardening tool for everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a backyard hobbyist or an experienced landscape garden – the right gardening spade makes all the difference in whether your garden is a success. 

    So you need to suggest the best garden spade as per your price range because this essential tool cuts through the soil, digs out the planting holes, and helps to reshape beds.

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    Written, edited, and published by gardeningmantras.com editorial team.

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