7 fast-growing aquarium plants for your aquarium

fast-growing aquarium plants
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    Do you want to grow some fast-growing aquarium plants in your aquarium? Do you want your aquarium to fill with some beautiful fast-growing aquarium plants quickly? But wondering which aquarium plants will be the best fit? 

    Then don’t worry. You are at the right place. We have curated a list of 7 fast-growing aquarium plants for your garden. 

    Just like outdoor gardens, growing plants indoors especially aquarium plants involves a lot of patience. Sometimes it’s slower than watching grass grow if you have a lot of sluggish plants in the aquarium. 

    If you’re looking for something that fills in faster though in your aquarium, don’t worry. So long as you can fuel them with enough light, there are a lot of fast-growing aquarium plants to consider!

    So let’s dive into the article below to find out some of them. 

    fast-growing aquarium plants for your aquarium


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    Commonly named “waterweed”, this is one of the fast-growing aquarium plants is the best beginner plant that often needs to trim an aquarium. This plant is one of the easier stem plants available, and it’s also rather cheap than other plants.

    If you can find this plant in a local nursery store near you, give it a try. It is the best, easy, and most forgiving aquatic plant for beginners, you can find. 

    Waterweed requires a moderate amount of lighting to stay alive. If the lighting is too low the plant will turn brown and fall apart. 

    Like other plants, it grows fastest when additional CO2 is added to the water, but it’s not mandatory. This plant is often recommended as an “oxygen plant” near the goldfish section, so it might be hidden there.

    Dwarf Ambulia

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    Dwarf Ambulia is one of the beautiful lush green fast-growing aquarium plants with fine leaves. If the plant is planted near the water surface and gets too much extra light, the tips of the plant turn red.

    When this plant is grown in a balanced aquarium condition, it can grow fairly quickly and needs a trim regularly. The plant can also easily be propagated by planting the cuttings. 

    If you want to make a beautiful aquarium, instead of throwing away the red tips you cut from the plant, pull out the remaining plant and replant the cutting. 

    In this way, you will not have disturbed the tips of the plant. Also, make sure not to keep all the stems of the same length when you plant them. Instead, plant some smaller cuttings along with some larger cutting on the side to give the bush a more rounded feel. 


    hornwort plant inside the aquarium 1

    Hornwort is one of the most popular plants in the aquarium. The beautifully detailed leaves of the plant make this stem-plant super beautiful.

    Being a fast-growing aquarium plant, it needs to be on this list. Hornwort is also a super beginner-friendly plant that can tolerate many aquarium parameters as long as it gets enough lighting and nutrition in the water. 

    This plant can grow in so many different water conditions that it has spread to all continents of the world except for Antarctica. That’s quite an impressive achievement for an aquarium plant. 

    However, it has the tendency to take over lakes by completely overgrowing all other plants that adds a disadvantage to plant this aquarium plant. 

    This plant is not heavy on root-feeding that means that it can also float freely in the aquarium or grow in sand or gravel without fertilizers. 

    So it is suggested to grabbing a couple of stems and pushing them down in your substrat. It gives the plant a beautiful look. 

    Water Wisteria

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    An another best option for fast growing aquarium plants are Water Wisteria, which when planted can grow to be massive. This plant is best suited for aquariums of at least 20 gallon (100L). 

    The plant looks so beautiful if planted. so next time you hit the local nursery store make sure to check this plant out. 

    Overall, Water Wisteria is undemanding, easy to grow and hardy. It requires little effort, as long as you are providing enough fertilizer for it to grow. 

    When You are going to buy it, you don’t have to buy many stems, because it’s really easy to propagate Water Wisteria yourself. So there is no need to spend too much money on buying plants. 

    Amazon frogbit

    Amazon Frogbit 1

    Another floating plant that’s a little bit less of an invasive-weed-kind-of-plant and fast-growing is Amazon Frogbit. The look of this floating plant is wonderful, and it is a perfect option to add to your aquarium. 

    The plant can propagate easily without you having to do anything to help it. It takes a lot of nutrients from the water itself. 

    So planting it can surely help you to sell it to your local fish store or give it away to other fish keepers to make them happy if you’ve got too much of it. 

    It’s necessary to keep the top of the leaves of the plant dry at all times, or else they can start rotting. So always be careful when you are doing water changes, and make sure you carefully place the output of your filter so that you don’t disturb the water surface too much.

    Java moss

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    The Java Moss is an extremely popular fast growing aquarium plant due to its versatility and attractive appearance.

    Once an established Java Moss plant grows, it will begin to drape over the substrate and create a lush green carpet. So it can effectively be used as both a carpeting plant or a moss wall, and it can even be tied to driftwood or rocks to give a more natural look.

    Brazilian pennywort

    Brazilian Pennywort Propagation 1

    Another mainstay, fast growing aquarium plant in the aquarium hobby, is the Brazilian Pennywort. It is a great little plant for helping maintain the cleanliness of your aquarium. 

    The thin, grassy leaves of the plant that grow from its large stems are extremely efficient at absorbing extra nutrients and debris in your tank.

    Having access to adequate amounts of light is a fundamental requirement for any fast growing aquarium plant, but the Brazilian Pennywort makes it easy. 

    This plant is much more adaptable when it get exposed to light which means you can easily use lights as low as possible in your aquarium without worrying about the plant turning any less vibrant.


    As you read the article this far, you might be aware about the top fast growing aquarium plants for your aquarium. 

    So now you can bring one of them as per your choice to your aquarium and give your aquarium a beautiful look. 

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    Written, edited, and published by gardeningmantras.com editorial team.

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